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The Secret Chinese Takeover of Jamaica

1 Views· 12/15/24

Jamaica's assets are being sold off by its own government, piece by piece, and China is becoming a major player in this quiet takeover." From beloved symbols like Air Jamaica to critical infrastructure, Jamaica's essential assets are slipping into foreign hands, raising urgent questions about who truly owns this island nation. In this eye-opening documentary, we delve into the trend of selling off Jamaica's key resources to the highest bidder, uncovering the lasting impacts of these deals on national pride, sovereignty, and economic stability.

Jamaica's journey of foreign ownership starts with Air Jamaica, a former national airline that symbolized Jamaican independence and pride. But financial troubles led the government to sell it off, stripping away a cherished icon of national identity. The story continues with the country's major airports-Norman Manley and Sangster International-now leased to foreign corporations. These airports, Jamaica's main points of entry, have brought modernization but are now under the control of companies from Mexico and Spain. What does this mean for a nation so heavily reliant on tourism? Who truly benefits when foreign interests control Jamaica's gateways?

The trend doesn't stop there. Jamaica's ports, specifically the Kingston Freeport Terminal, were initially leased to a French company but are now controlled by China Merchants Port Holdings Company. This shift is part of China's growing influence in the Caribbean, making Jamaica a significant piece in China's global strategy. With Jamaica's main port now under Chinese control, what does this mean for the island's autonomy in managing its own trade and resources?

Jamaica Public Service (JPS), the island's sole electricity distributor, is also in foreign hands, primarily controlled by Marubeni Corporation of Japan and Korea East-West Power. This foreign ownership impacts electricity rates, infrastructure, and policies on renewable energy, with decisions made far from Jamaican shores. For the average Jamaican, foreign-controlled power means high electricity rates and limited control over the island's essential services. When critical decisions affecting daily life are made outside Jamaica, who's looking out for the local population?

And finally, we explore Jamaica's bauxite and alumina industry, a natural resource that's been one of Jamaica's most valuable assets. Major portions of this industry are now controlled by foreign corporations, including Russia's UC Rusal and China's Jiuquan Iron & Steel Company (JISCO). While these deals have brought economic gains, they have also handed over control of Jamaica's land and minerals to outsiders, affecting local communities, the environment, and the economy's long-term stability.

In this video, we address pressing questions: How much of Jamaica is truly Jamaican-owned? Who benefits from these foreign investments? And most importantly, what will be left for future generations if this pattern of foreign dependence continues?

Join us as we uncover the realities behind Jamaica's foreign-owned assets and the implications for the island's future. This documentary reveals the hidden side of foreign investment in Jamaica, from airports and ports to electricity and natural resources. Each sale raises the stakes, making Jamaica's sovereignty seem like a dwindling dream. If you're curious about how China's influence extends beyond Jamaica's ports, don't miss our related video on China's gradual economic colonization of the Caribbean.


Jamaica assets sold to China

Foreign ownership in Jamaica

Jamaica China influence

Jamaica government selling assets

Air Jamaica sold off

Chinese investment in Jamaica

Jamaica's sovereignty and independence

Jamaica bauxite industry

JPS foreign ownership

Kingston Freeport Terminal China

Norman Manley Airport foreign control

Jamaica economic colonization

Jamaica resources sold

Jamaican infrastructure foreign ownership

This video uncovers the often-overlooked consequences of Jamaica's government selling off vital resources and infrastructure to foreign powers. As China and other foreign entities expand their control, Jamaica's identity and sovereignty are at risk. Watch this documentary for a deep dive into the impacts of foreign ownership in Jamaica, and if this sparks your interest, check out our other videos on the effects of China's involvement in the Caribbean and the struggles Jamaicans face abroad.

#Jamaica #China #ForeignOwnership #JamaicanResources #Sovereignty #JamaicaAssetsSold #EconomicColonization #BauxiteIndustry #AirJamaica #JPS #KingstonFreeportTerminal #NormanManleyAirport #ThrivingThreads

00:00:00 - Jamaica for Sale

00:00:26 - The Slow Unraveling

00:01:05 - A Symbol Lost

00:03:52 - Foreign Control of Airports

00:07:00 - Jamaica's Lifeline

00:09:54 - Power Grid in Foreign Hands

00:13:25 - Bauxite and Natural Resources

00:16:03 - A Cautionary Tale

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